Monday, March 16, 2015

If We Burn Clean Fuel, Why Do We Still Need Chimney Cleaning In Brooklyn, New York City?

We are all aware of the theories about global warming and the need for “clean air”. Some people simply do not believe any of it and continue to indulge their preferred lifestyles. Others see sense in some, if not all, of these theories and make a conscious effort to be as environmentally friendly as possible. We may recycle things, segregate our garbage, etc but there are things that few of us are prepared to do. Such as: -

*   walk everywhere or only use a bicycle for transport;
*   go without hot water (unless it is solar heated) and
*   shiver throughout the cold of winter.

The best we can hope for is to minimize our impact on the atmosphere. We can buy cleaner running cars; use public transport more often and try to be more efficient in the ways that we generate heat.

By the way, switching to (usually) more expensive and less efficient electrical heating rarely eliminates pollution since most of the power plants are big polluters in their own right. Almost everybody in Manhattan has stopped burning coal or wooden logs to heat their homes and provide their hot water. This has been achieved by the widespread use of furnaces as domestic (and business) heat sources.

Burn Fuel: Release Heat

Much has been said about how some furnace fuels – like natural gas for example – are much greener (cleaner) than others. However, the fact remains that none of the readily available fuels that we can buy are totally clean. When we burn the fuel in the presence of oxygen from the air, we are oxidizing its component elements in a process that produces heat and emits what are known as the products of combustion. These include not only the so called green house gases like carbon dioxide; but, also some vapors, tars, creosotes and particulates (like soot).

We use chimneys to vent the products of combustion out to the atmosphere; lighter gases will easily rise up and out of the chimney exit but vapors may liquidize and “stick” to the inside of the chimney (solid particulates will also tend to be trapped within the chimney).

Chimneys Do Get Dirty

Clean fuels may take longer to dirty up the inside of a chimney but that is exactly what they will eventually do. Therefore, you should have your chimney (or any other flue gas exhaust system) regularly inspected to find out when you need Chimney Cleaning In Brooklyn.

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